About Us

Your Local Kidney Patients Support Group

Free Membership for all Patients and their Close Relatives being treated at Queen Alexandra Hospital, Cosham and at associated Satellite Units in Hampshire and surrounding counties.
Affiliated to the National Kidney Federation.
The Wessex Kidney Patients’ Association was formed in 1976 by a few patients who saw the need for a support group. At that time there was very little or no information or advice available to kidney patients and their families.
It was almost impossible to obtain details of ones own condition from clinicians. Misguided protocols prevailed which kept patients ill informed of details of their illness.
Thankfully, there is now a much more enlightened view and patients are encouraged to participate in decisions regarding their treatment.
Patient Groups have representatives on many committees relating to the treatment of kidney failure.

Here at the Wessex Kidney Patients Association we support kidney patients in Hampshire, West Sussex, Wiltshire and The IOW who are on some form of treatment for renal failure.
We organise a variety of events to help patients including meetings and social events.
We represent kidney patients both locally and nationally to promote their care.

The WKPA continually seeks to improve the quality of care for kidney patients, both at local and national level.

We support the drive for a National Service Framework (NSF) which will establish a uniformity of care throughout the country.


WKPA Constitution


1. Name
The name of the Association is Wessex Kidney Patients’ Association

2. Objects
The object for which the Association is established is to promote the welfare of persons who attend the
Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth, University Hospital Renal Paediatric Unit in Southampton and
satellite units who are suffering from kidney disease or renal failure

3. Furtherance Powers
a) To promote the sharing of information between kidney patients.
b) To raise the awareness concerning the donation of human organs.
c) To publish information and newsletters of interest to kidney patients and their families.
d) To raise funds and invite/receive donations for the attainment of such objects as are outlined
above. For members/ patient’s comfort in the hospital and satellite units, and for welfare
support grant need that members may require. For events and activities for members.

4. Membership
a) Membership is open to and available to all renal patients and their nominated partner, of
Queen Alexandra Hospital Portsmouth and University Hospital Renal Paediatric unit in
Southampton. Only persons nominated by the patient have the right to vote on matters of
b) Associate membership is available to any person, being a friend or associate of the patient of
the aforesaid hospital, who are prepared to assist the association in its objectives and aims.
Associate members will not have the automatic right to vote on matters of policy.

5. Subscription
There will be no subscription charges.

6. Committee
The General management and policy of the Association shall be controlled by the committee which
shall meet as often as shall be required but not less than 4 times a year. Three weeks’ notice of
committee meetings shall be given to all members of the committee.

7. Annual General Meeting
Once in every year in the month of September the Committee shall convene an Annual General
Meeting at which all members shall be entitled to attend and vote for the purpose of:-
a) Receiving the reports of the Committee
b) Receiving and approving the Annual Audited Accounts of the Association.
c) Appointing the Committee.
d) Appointing Auditors of the Association
e) That two months prior to the Annual General Meeting, members shall be notified of the date of
the meeting.

8. Special General Meeting
The Chairman of the association or the secretary may at any time at their discretion, and shall within 21
days of receiving a written request to do so by not less than one third of the members having the
power to vote and giving reasons for the request, call a Special General Meeting of the Association.
This will be for the purposes of altering the constitution in accordance with part 9 or of considering any
other matter which may be referred to them.

9. Voting
Subject to the provisions of the alterations clause, all questions arising at any meeting shall be decided
by a simple majority or those present and entitled to vote. No member shall exercise more than one
vote not withstanding that they may have been appointed to represent two or more interests but in
the case of equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote

10. Quorum
One third of the members shall form a quorum for all committee and general meetings of the

11. Minutes
Minutes shall be kept by the Association who will file minutes with the charity commission.

12. Finance
All monies raised on or held by the Association shall be applied to further the objects of the Association
and for no other purposes. The Treasurer shall keep a proper account of the finances of the Association
and shall submit annual accounts duly audited by the Auditors of the Association to the Annual General
There shall be a bank account in the name of the Association from which withdrawals shall be made
upon cheques and authorities signed by at least 2 committee members.

13. Dissolution
If upon the dissolution of the Association there remains after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities,
any property whatsoever this shall not be distributed among the members but shall be given to or
transferred to a charitable organisation /s having similar objects.

14. Alteration
Any Alterations to this constitution may only be made after all full members have had one full month’s
notice and can only take effect by a two third’s majority at either a General Meeting or a meeting held
for this purpose. No amendment of the constitution shall be made which would cause the Association
to cease to be a Charity at Law.



Your Committee/Trustees

Rodney Gilbert MMed(Paed), MA, FRCPCH, DCH (President)

Henry Porter (Treasurer/ Welfare)

Kathryn Porter (Secretary)

Georgina Wright  (Financial Advisor)

Tracey Sinclair

Pam Nye

Nicole Mackenzie